She's a painter. He's a musician. They met in a bar. (Don't believe everything your mom tells you! Love finds you were you are- not where she'd like you to be!)
They're ridiculously good looking. They're happy with each other, and oh so adorable together! And we were so blessed to meet them!
Since they are both artists, we felt unleashed with our creativity. To get that yummy image on the right (below), I actually sat in duck poop. TOTALLY worth it.
See what I mean by adorable?!
And we had a ton of fun in the process!
We love these photos, they love these photos & I cannot wait to see what magic we make in October, on their wedding day! ~Naomi
If you didn't get enough, here's their slideshow:
Megan Dullaghan & Scott Barefield- Engagement from Naomi & Samuel Karth on Vimeo.
Photography by Double K
Naomi & Samuel Karth
Music by Wilco
"Sky Blue Sky"
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